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Go Solar in India

Building a Sustainable Future with Solar Energy

With the increase in greenhouse gases in India, it has become crucial to take immediate action to reduce these gases and combat climate change. By investing in a solar power system, you can reduce the emission of carbon footprints and create a cleaner environment. Solar energy is a renewable source of power that does not emit such harmful gases, making it an essential part of the solution.

As India experiences rapid urbanisation, the energy demand is expected to soar. However, the current access to electricity in East and North-East India is below 30% for households. By utilising rooftop solar energy, you can not only meet your energy demand but also set an example for the entire country. At Das Energie Private Limited, we understand the importance of sustainability and the positive impact of solar energy on the environment. Therefore, our mission is to help you Go Solar and provide a clean and cost-effective alternative to energy.

Building a Sustainable Future with Solar Energy

Why Should You Go Solar?

Unlike traditional energy, solar energy helps in sustaining energy needs. Let us explore why going solar is beneficial and how we can help you along the way:

Environmental Benefits

Going solar reduces the emission of carbon footprints and promotes a greener future. Switching to solar energy creates a healthier environment, helping to combat India's high pollution levels. By utilising solar power, you not only save money on electricity bills but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly world.

Energy Independence

In India, both rural and urban areas often face power shortages due to inadequate infrastructure. However, by choosing solar energy, you can overcome these challenges and save a significant amount of money instead of spending on traditional power grid installation. Going solar empowers your property with an independent and cost-effective energy solution.

Government Incentives

By adopting solar energy you can avail various incentives and tax benefits from the government to support you. These include tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and net metering policies. Moreover, the government of India provides a 30% subsidy on the installation of solar panels contributing to your financial well-being.

Return on Investment

Investing in solar panel systems is a wise decision since it offers significant returns. By enjoying substantial monthly savings on electricity bills, you can achieve an impressive return on investment (ROI) ranging from 25% to 30%. Solar energy provides a smart and risk-free investment opportunity, ensuring high returns for your financial portfolio.

Long Lasting

When you go solar, you can enjoy the benefit of long-lasting and durable solar systems. Most solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years, providing you with free electricity for decades. Even when you are unable to generate 100% of the energy you consume, solar energy still helps you in reducing your electric bill helping you save money.

Inexhaustible Energy Source

Since solar energy is derived from the sun, an inexhaustible source of energy, it eliminates the reliance on fossil fuels or natural gas. India, being an energy-deficient country with expensive power generation, can benefit greatly from solar energy as an alternate power source.

Increased Property Value

Installing solar panels can significantly increase the value of your property. Most potential buyers are interested in eco-friendly and energy-efficient properties, making solar installations an attractive feature that can set your property apart from others in the market.


Solar energy offers more than just electricity generation. It can be used for various purposes, including cooking food, heating water, running cars, and powering generators.

Future Impact

With the increasing use of solar energy, there might be a high demand for solar vehicles in the next few years. So investing in solar power provides an environment-friendly way to fuel your vehicle in future. In order to make the most of these benefits contact Das Energie Private Limited today and lead a more cleaner and greener life.

In order to make the most of these benefits contact Das Energie Private Limited today and lead a more cleaner and greener life.

Why Go Solar with Us?

When it comes to Go Solar, we at Das Energie Private Limited are your trusted partner in building a sustainable future with solar energy. Here are a few reasons why you should choose us:


With our years of experience and industry knowledge, Das Energie Private Limited have the expertise to guide you through every step of your solar journey. Our team will assess your energy requirements and design a solar power system that maximises efficiency and savings for your specific needs.

High-Quality Products

Das Energies Private Limited is partnered with reputable solar panel manufacturers, ensuring you receive top-quality products. Our solar products are durable, efficient, and built to withstand different weather conditions.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every home and business is unique. Therefore, Das Energie Private Limited offers customised solar solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Streamlined Installation

Our certified installation team ensures a smooth and hassle-free installation process. We handle all the necessary permits, paperwork, and coordination, making your transition to solar power seamless.

Despite the presence of schools, hospitals, and commercial offices that have already adopted solar energy, there is still a need for its widespread implementation. Utilising solar power can help you overcome the energy access problems faced by many households in the region. Going solar is a transformative step towards a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can reduce environmental impact, save money, and achieve energy independence. It is an investment for our future and a commitment to the well-being of the planet and future generations. We at Das Energie Private Limited can help you Go Solar by providing the best customer service. So, let us all join the solar revolution and use the sunlight for a sustainable and brighter future.

Frequently Asked Questions

A rooftop solar panel system is a great way to reduce your electric bills. You can contact our solar energy experts, who will evaluate your area and needs to confirm and provide solutions.

The time taken to install solar panels varies for commercial and household purposes. For home, it might take a few hours but, for commercial, it may take three to six months.

Yes, you can recycle solar modules in India. Since solar panels are made from silicon materials that are recycled in huge quantities.

Rooftop Solar Companies